Electric car – pros and cons

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Are you thinking about buying an electric car and weighing all the pros and cons or want to learn more about these types of vehicles? If so, check out the article below where we discuss their advantages and disadvantages.


Let’s start with the benefits that their users and automotive experts point out.

Low operating costs

Even with energy prices still rising, charging an electric car is cheaper than filling up with fuel. However, what is important, the cost of charging depends on its method – using public chargers, you should expect higher expenses than in the case of a home socket. Depending on the calculation methodology, various rankings and comparisons indicate that charging an electric car is about 20-70% cheaper than refuelling a combustion car. Lower operating costs are also due to the fact that cars on batteries are cheaper in insurance, which can be calculated yourself in the service https://kalkulator-oc-ac.auto.pl/.


For many people, an important argument is that electric vehicles do not emit any harmful compounds into the atmosphere, which differs from combustion cars.

Low failure rate

Construction of electric cars is much simpler than combustion engines. Fewer components and less complex construction of individual systems mean that failures occur much less often, and their repair costs less. You can forget about changing the oil with filter, air filter, timing, DPF or belts – the only worry may be the traction battery, but its life is long and amounts to about 70 thousand km.

Quiet operation

If you like to travel in silence, an electric car will be an excellent choice, as it operates virtually silently, unlike internal combustion power units.


As you can see, battery cars have many advantages, they are also often the cheapest type of car in terms of third party liability (you can read more about cheap third party liability insurance on kalkulator-oc-ac.auto.pl/ubezpieczenie-samochodu/najtansze-oc/), but they are not without disadvantages, about which we write below.

Limited and variable range

Increasing the maximum range is one of the biggest challenges facing electric car manufacturers. So what if the catalog says it is up to 600 km, if in practice it shrinks to only 200-300 km when the temperatures outside drop and heating eats up a large part of the battery’s energy? Precisely the fact that it is difficult to predict the range, because it depends on various variables both external and internal, makes it difficult to travel further distances in an electric car.

Frequent and prolonged charging

Limited range combined with intensive use of an electric car makes frequent charging necessary. The problem is that it takes a very long time if it is done at home, and at least several minutes (usually longer) when using public charging points. Meanwhile, a combustion car can be refueled literally in two minutes, which is an unquestionable advantage from the driver’s point of view.

Repair only with a specialist

If you own a traditional combustion engine car, there is bound to be a repair shop further or closer to your location where you can easily have it repaired. Electric car, on the other hand, can be serviced and repaired only at authorized, specialized points, which are few on the map of Poland, and their post-warranty services are expensive.

Purchase price

There is no denying that one of the biggest barriers for customers to purchase an electric car is the high price. Vehicles with the same parameters but powered by batteries are still much more expensive than petrol models.

Photo: myenergi/unsplash.co,

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