Extend the life of your car engine – tips

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How do you make the engine in your car last longer and run smoothly? There are no miracle ways to do it, but you can try a few treatments to help take care of your engine. Here they are

Why should you take care of your engine?

There is a perception that engines installed in modern cars are not very durable. This is due in part to downsizing and increasingly stringent exhaust emission requirements. At the same time, maximum power is being squeezed out of them to meet expectations. Therefore, rules of thumb are needed to keep your engine running for longer

Warm up the engine properly

Care for the power unit must be comprehensive. We start taking care of the engine when we set off: the oil must reach appropriate temperature before dynamic driving. If this does not happen – the oil does not lubricate properly, which has a destructive influence on particular elements of the system

It is worth remembering that the engine should be warmed up while driving calmly. Performing this operation on the spot is pointless – the unit will warm up faster in motion. The exception is very cold and frosty temperatures, when you can warm up the engine for several tens of seconds, standing still.

Don’t drive at too low of a speed

Driving at very low revs is also not bad for the engine as long as it is not accompanied by a vigorous squeeze of the accelerator pedal. At speeds below 2000 you should not drive for too long with the accelerator pedal depressed, because it has a very destructive effect on the pan and crankshaft. Only modern, already downsized engines tolerate this kind of driving a little better.

Change the oil

The oil in an engine is sometimes compared to the blood pumping in the human heart. Undoubtedly, there is some truth in this: without taking care of the condition of the engine oil, our unit will not serve very long. Changing the oil every 30,000 km, as currently suggested by leading manufacturers, is not necessarily the optimal solution. In most cases it is simply an annual change of this important fluid. Oils available on the market are often not able to withstand such a long period of use. Without this, the engine will gradually lose some of its properties

It is therefore recommended to change the oil every 10,000 km for city driving and every 15,000 km for other routes.

Remove sources of leakage

Have your oil pressure measured and check it regularly. But what if your engine starts leaking fluid? It’s a good idea to remove dirt from the unit as soon as possible and locate the leak. Otherwise we can expect faults with the timing belt, in extreme cases with engine seizure or gearbox damage

Take care of the turbocharger

The issue of oil change affects the condition of turbocharger. One should also pay attention to proper hygiene of the turbine. You should let it warm up before you force it to work hard. After driving it is necessary to let it work for a few moments at reduced revs so that it does not lose its important lubrication too quickly.

Use only good quality fuel

Fueling up at questionable gas stations is a bad idea. Contaminated or low-quality fuel in a car with a new engine does not bode well for the vehicle’s future. As a rule, the newer the engine, the higher the requirements for fuel quality

Regular servicing is essential

In addition to the ad hoc measures necessary in the course of normal operation, regular maintenance and servicing are also necessary. In spite of taking care of the car, proper techniques of warming up and cooling down the engine, adequately frequent oil changes, other elements which are sometimes crucial for the long life of the engine wear out. We are talking about flow meter, timing gear or engine software. In these cases, the eye of a specialist can spot future problems, the seeds of which we neglect today. So it is worth turning to him before it is too late.

(photo. pixabay.com)

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